A Guide To Healthy Eating At Work

A worker snacking while holding a coffee cup and sitting in front of a laptop.

Improve your mood and productivity at work with this guide to healthy eating. Why Is Healthy Eating Important at Work? Food consumption impacts our mood, energy, stamina, cognitive thinking abilities and morale, highlighting the extreme importance of healthy eating at both home and work. On average, people living in urban areas experience between one and […]

Health Food Trends in 2023

green and yellow fruit and vegetables and a bottle of water on a green background

2023 – The year of seismic shifts, seasonal insights and up-and-coming trends. 2023 in Trends The food system is undergoing a dizzying level of unpredictability and change off the back of worldwide issues like inflation, supply chain disruptions, changing consumer desires and technological advancement. Despite the instability, several food trends are emerging for 2023 according […]

Smart & AI-Powered Vending Machines: The Future

Gnibl Vending machine placed in a workplace break area with a small white table

Modern internet of things (IoT) technology has allowed for vending machines to be networked, controlled and optimised with one another – regardless of location or quantity. The next generation of vending machines have become intelligent. Vending Machine Advancements Vending machines are becoming more advanced – they are smarter and can deliver a far more engaging […]

The Role of Good Nutrition in Fostering A Healthy Workplace

a fully stocked gnibl vending machine in an office

In the fast paced, modern work environment, the importance of fostering a healthy workplace cannot be overstated. For those looking to enhance their organisations, focusing on good nutrition is a key strategy. Good nutrition plays a pivotal role in maintaining employee health, improving productivity and boosting morale. Here’s how implementing healthy food options – like […]